News & Updates
More CDs!
I got more CDs again, so they're up.
I'll disappear the next three weeks or so. Shall be away-ish.
New free avatars and updates!
Well, I did update my CD collection page. :D And put up the new icons on the avatars page. I don't know what to put on this site now @_@.
I installed a hack on CuteNews. XD No more pharmaceutical spammage, hopefully~
*needs to update CD collection page*
Please join. Costs nothing. You don't have to go back. It's the Yellowcard e-team, and you can get free stuff if you like that kind of thing.
An update :O
First content update in months, I redid the sidebar links, wrote a counter, updated a heap of pages, etc, etc... I dunno. Have been tired lately. Must go to sleep earlier.
The Sky Turns Grey
I told my friend Rady I wanted to plug the hell out of his band, so here's another plug.
Paint The Memory
Mistletoe Heartache
Download those. Listen. Comment. Spread the word. (The first one is better. Has a massive Brand New influence.)